Human Rights: Features and Historical evolution #1
Convincing people that they are endowed with certain rights by their inner qualities seems to have guided the entire history of human thought since ancient times. The idea that people have certain rights by nature has arisen in the minds of people since ancient times and has been expressed in vivid words through Stoic philosophy and jurisprudence, and then in all subsequent eras, sometimes relying on the dogmas of the Christian religion. sometimes only in the light of reason.
Since ancient times, some ideas have arisen regarding the relative "natural legality" of people, without it being transferred economically and legally. We find such problems in Ancient Greece in Hesiod, in the work "Days and Days", in the problems of the great lawyer and legislator Olan (594 BC).
In turn, Pericles (490-492 BC) stated: "From the point of view of the law, everyone, regardless of the differences between primates, has equal access to dignity; everyone, depending on how they differ, receives preference based on merit rather than class." Similar problems are also found in the work of Plato (427-347 BC) "The Republic".
The generalization of thinking in Ancient Greece actually materialized in the works of Aristotle "Ethics" and "Politics". Thus, in the "Politics" that justifies slavery, they fought against those who believed that "it contradicts the nature of the slaveholder, because only by law does a person become a slave or free." He believed that this arrangement was based not on justice, but on violence.
In Ancient Rome, philosophers often asked themselves such questions, finding answers that to some extent reflect the same content of ideas and concepts - we recall here the works of Cicero (106 - 43 BC) "On the Republic", "On the King", those from Titus Lucretius (99-55 BC).
The conclusion that follows from the humanistic ideas of the philosophers of Greek, Hebrew, Romans, etc. is that they referred primarily to the equality and freedom of free people, not slaves.
However, in the Middle Ages, there was a phenomenon that would lay the foundation for a number of theories concerning the protection of human rights in general. The famous Magna Carta (1215), an unprecedented legislative effort that almost excluded the king, English barons and bishops, actually consolidated the privileges obtained by the king's opponents, including certain procedural and legal guarantees. で最高のオンラインカジノゲームのエキサイティングな世界を発見してください。スロット、ポーカー、ルーレットを含む幅広いゲームと、惜しみないボーナスやプロモーションをお楽しみください。今すぐ参加して、エキサイティングなゲームを始めましょう!ここでは、オンラインカジノゲームのベストセレクションを見つけることができ、一流のプロバイダーから最も人気のあるゲームを提供しています。私たちのコレクションは、あなたのすべてのニーズと好みを満たすために様々なジャンルで1000以上のゲームを含んでいます。