The idea of a large canvas
Thinking about what he had to go through during the war, on the one hand, and the creation of the Kukam series of religious paintings, on the other, led to a logical outcome: the idea of a large canvas depicting the resurrection from the dead. For him, resurrection meant "a transition from a state of heaven-given possibilities that are not feasible in this life to a sudden realization of their realization." Thus, in all his "Resurrections" he depicted his living contemporaries as rising from the graves. It was also a manifestation of his visionary worldview that any significant theme of his art was filled with goodness for him.
"The Resurrection of the Dead in Cookham" is a very large painting (274x549 cm), which depicts many close friends of the artist, including Hilda Carline, whom he married in 1925 after several years of acquaintance. On the left side of the painting, next to the path, we see her rising from the grave with a rose in her hands and climbing over the fence, moving away to the Thames, where a mass of pleasure boats can be seen. The naked man with his face turned in profile is the artist himself, he is also depicted by the figure of a man lying in the foreground on the right, not far from the judge in a wig, who was his friend and patron. The universality of the theme is emphasized by the inclusion of a Black couple in the composition. The figures of people sitting along the church wall depict "thinkers", but their meaning is not entirely clear. In the church, in the doorway, stands Christ, followed by God the father. It is significant that, in accordance with the place they occupied in Spencer's religious philosophy, they are given a very insignificant place in the composition. The Resurrection of the Dead at Cookham was completed in 1927 and brought Spencer great fame.
Following this, he immediately began to create a mural of the chapel on the theme of the fallen in the war," sketches for it he made in 1922 after a second visit to Macedonia. Fortunately, a wealthy couple, John and Mary Behrend, whom he had known for several years, were going to build a chapel and willingly agreed to provide Spencer with the project. So, together with his wife and young daughter, he moved to live in Bergkler, 40 kilometers west of Cookham. In five years he painted 19 canvases for the chapel. On the side walls, scenes from everyday army life stretched in two belts, with the upper one rounded somewhat arbitrarily. Above them are two scenes from the life of a military camp depicted horizontally.
The back wall depicts the resurrection. This is the most significant work of all that he has ever created. To use his words: "When I was working on the painting in Bergkler, my desire was to rid and save from the war mood that "I" that I saw everywhere, both in myself and in others." Soldiers pile grave crosses in the foreground or hand them over to Christ, who again occupies a very modest place in the background, hand them over in the same way as soldiers hand over military uniforms. オンラインカジノの世界でお金を稼ぐための最高のアフィリエイト プログラムをお探しですか? オンラインカジノ アフィリエイト では、主要なギャンブル プラットフォームから最高のオファーに関する情報を収集しました。最も収益性の高いプログラムを選択できるよう、最新のレビュー、条件やボーナスの比較を提供します。当社の専門家が、お客様が正しい選択をし、最大限のメリットをもたらすアフィリエイト プログラムで収益を上げ始めるのをお手伝いします。