TITLE: Almond oil for hair
Proper hair care requires a very careful selection of cosmetics, which are not limited to buying high-quality shampoo and conditioner. If the strands are colored, regularly subjected to heat treatment, "survived" a perm or burned out in the sun, then additional funds will have to be used to restore them. Moreover, natural products are best suited for these purposes, one of which is almond oil.It is extracted from almonds by cold pressing, so this oil completely retains its beneficial properties. At the same time, it is famous for its versatility, as it can be used with equal success for the care of oily and dry hair.The use of almond oil for hair care If the strands have burned out in the sun or become brittle after heat treatment, then in this case the easiest option is to add almond oil to shampoo at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of detergent. This recipe will not only improve the health of the hair, returning it to its natural shine, but also take care of their nourishment. However, it should be borne in mind that shampoo with almond oil is more of a preventive than a therapeutic agent. Therefore, if you have serious problems with hair that has started to fall out, split, delaminate at the ends, or simply turned into a kind of tow, then in this case you can prepare several restorative masks at home, which in a few months will allow you to completely solve the problems that have arisen.In case of hair loss, almond oil is recommended to simply rub into the roots with light massage movements and leave such a mask until the morning, after wrapping the head with a plastic wrap and a terry towel. If it is not possible to use such a mask before going to bed, it will be enough to keep it on the hair for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water using shampoo. You need to use this recipe at least 2-3 times a week. Moreover, such a mask not only strengthens the roots, but also helps to fight dandruff. In addition, almond oil in its pure form is excellent for repairing damaged hair tips. In this case, it needs to be rubbed into the scalp, it is enough just to lubricate the damaged strands with oil several times a week. Given that almond oil has a very light consistency and is perfectly absorbed, it is not necessary to wash your hair after such a procedure. However, if you expect to make a fashionable styling, then you can wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo no earlier than an hour after application.Those who want to restore vitality, softness and natural shine to curls after perming should adopt a mask recipe, which is prepared from 50 ml of fresh milk, 2 tablespoons of almond oil and 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. The resulting mixture should first be applied along the entire length of the hair, and the remains should be rubbed into the roots. After that, the strands must be carefully combed with a rare comb, evenly distributing the mixture. It is necessary to wash off the mask after 15-20 minutes with warm water and shampoo. Ideally, if you use this restorative at least 2 times a week. However, it should be borne in mind that it is designed for dry and brittle hair.For those who have been endowed by nature with oily hair after perming, you can use a mask, which is prepared from 2 tablespoons of almond oil, 1 tablespoon of mustard powder, 50 ml of kefir and egg yolk. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair, carefully rubbing into the scalp. After about 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water and shampoo. バイナリーオプション はバイナリー オプションの世界で信頼できるパートナーです。私たちはあなたのために最高のプラットフォームとブローカー、そして効果的な取引戦略と分析資料を収集しました。私たちのリソースは、市場の複雑さを理解し、バイナリー オプション取引で優れた結果を達成するのに役立ちます。あなたは金融投資の世界で常に一歩先を行き、自信を持って目標を達成することができます。