5 Simple Home Remedies for Sunburn
The arrival of spring reminds many of a tan. The closer to summer, the more likely it will be to use sunbathing. Unfortunately, despite the assurances of doctors, not everyone knows about moderation in tanning, which can lead to sunburn. It is worth knowing in advance simple, home remedies for burnt skin.
Soothing shower
A shower is perfect for burnt skin. However, it should be remembered that it cannot be cold, because burned, red and overheated skin will react badly and even heat shock may occur. First, the water that will be used for the body should be slightly warm. You can gradually reduce its temperature, but you don't need to cool the water to a very low temperature. Taking a shower to bring relief to the skin should last 10 minutes.
Aloe juice
Aloe juice has long been known as an ideal remedy for skin care and problems. Due to its action and composition, it is useful for mitigating sunburn. Aloe extract contains enzymes that accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis. At the same time, the juice reaction restores the correct pH of the skin and prevents inflammation and further irritation.
All you have to do is apply the juice to a sterile gauze or moisten all the material and place it on the burned area for 15 minutes.
Buttermilk and kefir
Sunburn not only changes the skin tone, but also disrupts its natural, acidic protective layer. To prevent infection and further irritation, you must repair it. This is possible due to the use of certain dairy products. Buttermilk, kefir and cottage cheese are especially good for this. You need to soak gauze in them and apply it to the burned areas. It is best if the dairy products are refrigerated.
Compresses with vinegar
Vinegar compresses are an amazing way to get rid of sunburn. They act as an analgesic, so they can bring quick relief, especially since burned skin quickly absorbs liquid. In addition, vinegar restores the correct pH of the skin. Its use involves soaking gauze with 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar and applying them to scorched areas.
Cucumber slices
On hot days, you should have a supply of fresh green cucumbers at home. They are useful not only for making salads, but also for tanning. Just cut the cucumber into pieces and apply it to the burned, reddened areas. Protects the skin from the appearance of inflammation and regenerates. Cucumber slices should be left on the skin for 30 minutes. 토토사이트 에는 플레이어의 질문이나 우려 사항을 지원하기 위해 연중무휴 24시간 이용 가능한 전담 고객 지원 팀이 있습니다. 플레이어는 라이브 채팅, 이메일 또는 전화를 통해 연락할 수 있으며 신속하고 친절한 응답을 기대할 수 있습니다.