Quaternary time and technozoic
The film of life covering our planet is condensed in some places, thin and loose in others. Thickening of life - on the banks of rivers and seas, in shallow lakes, in river mouths. There is almost no life at all on glaciers and in the depths of the ocean. The technosphere is concentrated in cities and industrial areas. And in some places, especially in protected areas, it seems that man and technology do not exist. The foci of the technosphere are ignited in the most unexpected places. Settlements have appeared in the frozen Antarctica. Picard's bathyscaphe plunged into the deepest oceanic depression. Satellites inhabit near-Earth space. People walk on the moon. The transformation of nature usually begins with the agricultural development of the territory. Forests are being burned and cut down, steppes are being plowed, floodplain meadows are being turned into pastures for livestock, dams, drainage ditches or irrigation systems are being built. Later comes the turn of industry, mining, cities and highways. Crystals of houses, growing, devastate fields and crash into the forest. Factories and cities require a lot of water. They begin to pump it out of the ground through wells and build extensive reservoirs. Columns of smoke and dust rise from industrial sites, which spread across the sky like flat clouds. Highways cross industrial areas from end to end. Cars are constantly rumbling at them. It makes the roads buzz like beehives. The wires of the electrical lines are buzzing just as intensely.
On the present earth, extraordinary transformations of nature are visible everywhere — the seal of the Technozoic era. And even the taiga wilderness, the endless ice fields of the Arctic Ocean, even the frosty glacial desert of Antarctica did not escape this fate. The entire air envelope of the planet — the atmosphere - is changing. New gases, industrial dust, and radioactive substances appeared in it. This affects the climate of the whole Earth. And in cities and industrial areas, everything is created by people. Back in 1909, academician A. E. Fersman wrote: "An express train carried me through the industrial areas of Belgium and the Rhine districts: metal and coal are transported from deep mines, mountains of waste rock accumulate, entire valleys are filled with slag, thousands of pipes smoke, carrying carbonic acid into the air; there is a huge laboratory of chemical transformations". Quaternary geology does not study all these transformations. And yet she is connected to them. Firstly, almost all engineering structures are built on Quaternary deposits. It is very important to know the properties of these deposits and the conditions of their occurrence in order for houses, dams, and factory buildings to stand steadily. Secondly, Quaternary rocks contain a variety of minerals. Glaciers were creeping over the northern plains of Europe, America, and Siberia. And ice rivers bubbled in them, and boulders moved importantly with ice — overseas Varangian guests. And huge lakes overflowed on the outskirts of the glacial covers, and mighty rivers began their journey from here. And later came the warm season of interglacial periods, gloomy coniferous forests and sunny oak forests, swampy swamps in place of overgrown lakes. Now all this is frozen in the ground by layers of sands, clays, dense seas and pliable peatlands.
Quaternary geologists painstakingly inspect outcrops, drill numerous wells, take rock samples, examine their properties, search for fossils of animals and plants, determine pollen preserved from a long time under a microscope, and conduct isotope analyses. A lot of effort and money is spent, specialists work tirelessly, not only studying wildlife, but also reading countless scientific articles and thick monographs, students study in higher educational institutions, and then continue to study for the rest of their lives, delving into science. And for what? Endless scientific disputes, doubts, searches and finds — what is the use of this? Of course, it's nice to amuse your curiosity, find out about the melted glaciers — look for last year's snow. It is interesting to imagine interglacial forests and steppes with unusual animals. But aren't theories too far from practice? If necessary, you can study properly the place where you plan to build a city or a factory, or those deposits in which there is hope to find minerals. And why learn about the great glaciations, about the movements of long-vanished glaciers and the beds of now-defunct rivers? Why trace the complicated paths of boulders? Any scientific theory is like an air castle. It arises in the imagination of a scientist. And when we restore the past from scattered remnants, are we not moving far away from modernity, from current needs, from our daily affairs into the realm of fantasy and pure" science? 플레이어는 바카라사이트 입금 및 출금할 때 다양한 결제 옵션을 선택할 수 있습니다. 여기에는 신용/직불 카드, 전자 지갑, 선불 카드 및 은행 송금이 포함됩니다. 또한 대부분의 인출이 24시간 이내에 처리되어 빠르고 안전한 거래를 보장하며 인상적인 게임 선택, 넉넉한 보너스, 최고 수준의 보안 조치 및 우수한 고객 지원으로 그 이름에 걸맞은 서비스를 제공합니다. 노련한 플레이어든 온라인 갬블링을 처음 접하는 플레이어든 이 카지노는 꼭 한번 확인해 볼 가치가 있습니다.